Serving Eastern Pennsylvania Businesses
Since 1998
Enhancing efficiency and accelerating decision-making through information sharing
Suchit Rout (Strategic Marketing Director Operator Experience) will review the ever increasing need for greater operational efficiency in the control room environment. He will explore how improved visualization and collaboration in the control room and beyond can help face today’s challenges.
Tuesday 6 February, 14h30 @ Unified Communications Theatre - hall 11
Barco UniSee: revolutionizing the LCD video wall experience
Gerrit Vermeire (Director Product Management Operator Experience) will explain how, with the Barco Unisee platform, we redesigned and optimized every component of the LCD video wall, resulting in a new way to look at large screen visualization.
Thursday 8 February, 11h00 @ Unified Communications Theatre - hall 11
Light management in the laser era
Tom Bert (Senior Product Manager Entertainment) will shed light on how to manage brightness now that laser light sources were introduced in projection. He will share insights on the importance of proper cooling and dimensioning, on how specs have improved, and on how to maximize ROI.
Thursday 8 February, 16h30 @ Unified Communications Theatre - hall 11
We hope to see you there!