Serving Eastern Pennsylvania Businesses
Since 1998
With its 40" NEC LCD4000 and 30" NEC LCD3000 displays, NEC has been able to help this fast-casual restaurant chain bring a new wave of technology and positive impact to its stores.
Quick Facts
To some, consumer behavior is considered a science. There are many influences and cues that factor into a person’s purchase decision-making process, making it extremely difficult for retailers to discover the best way to appeal to the average shopper. It doesn’t take a scientist, however, to make the connection between a consumer’s senses of sight and smell and their purchase behavior. Representatives from Minnesota-based Davanni’s Pizza and Hot Hoagies, a fast-casual restaurant chain that has grown to 21 locations in the Twin Cities area since opening in 1975, recently decided to conduct an experiment of their own in the hopes of influencing their customers’ behaviors.
With its 40" NEC LCD4000 and 30" NEC LCD3000 displays, NEC Display Solutions* has been able to help Davanni’s not only bring a new wave of technology to its stores but make a positive impact on its customers’ perceptions and behaviors.