Serving Eastern Pennsylvania Businesses
Since 1998
San Diego-based Eat at Recess provides lunch, entertainment and interactivity with NEC’s 46” X461HB on its unique food truck that travels to local corporate offices.
Eat at Recess, a San Diego-based food truck founded in September 2011 by entrepreneur Jason Swinford, bills itself as a “mobile custom playground of organic salads, sandwiches and gourmet burgers.” Eat at Recess’ menu items feature ingredients from humanely raised animals that were never given antibiotics or hormones. The truck uses organic and local ingredients whenever possible. In addition, everything at Recess, from its forks to its containers to its cups, is fully compostable.
Prior to founding Eat at Recess, Swinford worked in brand marketing for a global technology company. Like many in business, he spent lunchtime working at his desk, in meetings or on conference calls. Eventually, he began to see the toll that a highpressure lifestyle was taking on his health and the well-being of those with whom he worked. That realization, combined with a love for nutritious food, led him to where he is today.
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