Serving Eastern Pennsylvania Businesses
Since 1998
Ingram Micro installed NEC digital signage to help communicate a unified, corporate message across their large campus.
When it's your business to bring the latest technology to global companies, you have to walk the walk in your own facilities.
Ingram Micro is one of the world's largest technology solutions providers, representing 1,400 suppliers and serving more than 200,000 customers. It used digital signage at its Buffalo campus for years to communicate corporate messages, educate sales reps on new offerings and promotions, and add visual interest to public areas.
The only catch: The displays came from a patchwork of vendors, so there was neither a unified look nor a cohesive method for pushing out content to every screen. "There was no single point of ownership in the organization," said Kevin Prewett, Ingram Micro's senior director of vendor management.