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Since 1998
Oct. 18, 2021 - AmpliVox recently provided sound reinforcement to the Austin High School Chicago '50s REUNION Week-End that was held on OCT. 1-3 at the Drury Lane Theatre Complex & the CHICAGO HILTON Oak Brook Suites hotel.
Operated by the Chicago Public Schools, Austin opened in 1876[5] as a public 4–year high school located in the Austin neighborhood in Chicago and was named in honor of Henry W. Austin, a Chicago real estate developer.
During the mid-twentieth century, Austin High was considered one of the best high schools in the Chicago area. The Austin 50's Reunion offered a week-end of fun, food, music, memories and renewing friendships.
The Reunion weekend began on Friday with a welcoming reception and an elegant sit-down dinner. Saturday was spent on afternoon activities and evening attendees enjoyed a Chicago style '50s party, celebrating the great years that they spent at Austin.
There were many surprises and gifts for everyone, including a beautiful four-color commemorative program book. Attendees visited an Austin memorabilia area containing yearbooks from every year of the 'fifties, allowing alumi to see themselves as a freshman and a senior. Sunday concluded with a "Farewell Breakfast" at The HILTON Oak Brook Suites hotel.
AmpliVox’s powerful and versatile B9254 sound system was donated to support the event, playing music, making announcements and presentations clearly to all in attendance.
The B9254 package includes the AmpliVox SW925 Digital Audio Travel Partner PA, an all-in-one system that amplifies sound from microphones, streaming devices, and other audio inputs.
The B9254 PA System is a great tool to play the greatest hits of your graduation year, plus some great nostalgic sound bites from that era -- from the news and sports, clips from the top movies and TV shows of the year, even highlights from some of the year's great old commercials.