FB, FF, REV,FWD, PLAY/PAUSE, STOP /EJ media player controls
Pitch Control is adjusted by three push buttons next to the volume knob: HI (speed up playback material over a range), NOR (adjusts the speed back to normal speed), LO (slow down playback material over a range)
VOLUME knob increases the output level. This is in addition to the Master volume control function and is a convenience for balancing the output with other sources.
Built-in COMPACT DISC/Media Player. POWER: Press Power button to turn CD Player on. SD/USB/CD Button on far left of button row selects between SD, USB and CD playback. FOLDER button selects which folder in USB or SD stor-age devices to playback.
FB, FF, REV,FWD, PLAY/PAUSE, STOP /EJ media player controls
Pitch Control is adjusted by three push buttons next to the volume knob: HI (speed up playback material over a range), NOR (adjusts the speed back to normal speed), LO (slow down playback material over a range)
VOLUME knob increases the output level. This is in addition to the Master volume control function and is a convenience for balancing the output with other sources.
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